
13 projects were submitted to CandyBomber Commissions, ranging from short dance films (of course!) to a mini-doc, digital video, music composition and video sculpture. It's an explosion of creative activity as artists created an imaginative and inspiring array of works from their homes. It was exciting to drop them on the world over the summer - just like the real CandyBomber.


Week 13:  Dani Rowe, Luke, Aggie and Gigi Ingham


Week 12:  Babatunji Johnson and Charmaine Butcher


Week 11: Nate Kinsella


Week 10: Ramona Kelley


Week 9: Katerina Beckman


Week 8: Pete Belkin


Week 7: Demetrius Philp


Week 6: Adji Cissoko of Alonzo King LINES Ballet


Week 5: Kimberly Marie Olivier of San Francisco Ballet


Week 4: Kristina Dutton and Maya Pisciotto


Week 3:  Jenna Marie and Marcus Ellison

Week 2: Doug Machiz of Friction Quartet


Week 1: Maddie DeVries of LINES Ballet


New work for artists during COVID-19

Covid job losses hit home for many of the artists who had worked on CandyBomber creations - the FURY Show or our new production in development called FRAY. I thought about what CandyBomber could do to help them and it occurred to me that giving them a creative opportunity in conjunction with some funding might be particularly appreciated. I decided that raising a small fund to commission new work made a lot of sense and so I kicked off "CandyBomber Commissions" last April.  Artists received $500 for a new, short, original work which CandyBomber then shared on our social sites and website. We released one a week over the summer months along with interviews about their work and processes.

Artists were asked to choose one of two prompts, and create work in any discipline they chose: dance, music, animation, photography, film, etc. 

The Prompts

  1. "Inspired by the real Candy Bomber story" which you can read about on the blog.

  2. "My Imagination Flying the Coop  #flythecoopthroughcreativity".   


Hang Time


Wildflowers Music Video